Home Maintenance Checklist – February 2016

With the cold temperatures and the large amounts of snow we are getting during each winter system we find ourselves cooped up in the house.  Now is a great time to do a bit of home maintenance around your home.
  • Clean behind the refrigerator.  This is an often overlooked task, and by cleaning off the dust from the coils, it  will increase the fridge’s lifespan.  Safety Tip:  Make sure you unplug the fridge before doing anything.
  • Clean the dryer lint trap and exhaust.  Most dryers have a removable lint trap, and for the most part, cleaning the lint off the trap after every load does remove much of the lint. However, the exhaust behind the dryer gets overlooked most often, and  heat from the dryer could set the lint on fire inside that tube. Take time this month to vacuum out the lint hose. Not only will it reduce the fire hazard, but it will also reduce the energy you need to dry a load of clothes.
  • Clean or change the HVAC air filters.  This is something you should do every month because replacing the filter(s) will allow cleaner air to circulate throughout your home, reduce allergens and increase overall indoor air quality.
  • Deep clean your kitchen appliances.  During the holidays and/or Super Bowl you may have done a bit more cooking than usual.  Take the time to do some deep cleaning to increase their efficiency and longer lifespan.
  • Test your fire and CO alarms.  With an increase of using heat, lights and candles poses a higher risk of having a fire and carbon monoxide.  Take a moment and consider replacing batteries.
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